Niagara Falls Art Gallery
The Niagara Falls Art Gallery is an arts education facility & gallery which houses several major art collections. The aim of Niagara Falls Art Gallery is to provide educational activities to students, residents and visitors in the Niagara Falls area through exhibits, workshops, lectures and seminars.
Niagara Falls Art Gallery specializes in the artwork of William Kurelek and youth arts-based learning.
The Art Based Integrated Learning programs provided by Niagara Falls Art Gallery are complimentary to the Ontario curriculum and are designed to enhance classroom studies.
The WK Gallery is showcasing the premiere collection, including the the artworks of William Kurelek.

The Focus Gallery provides a space for various theme and interest exhibitions as well as special events. Display periods vary and are changed frequently.
The Open Storage Gallery : This extended space provides an excellent opportunity to view a rotating selection of work from the permanent collections.
Closed on Weekends & Holidays
Admission: Gallery entry contribution: $5/person
Address :
Niagara Falls Art Gallery
8058 Oakwood Drive, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, L2E 6S5
Telephone: 905.356.1514
Website :